Briefs and Submissions

Submission to WCB on proposed policy amendments, Part 6, Policy P2-59.03-1, Asbestos abatement licensing

May 15, 2023
The BCFED is pleased the government introduced Bill 5 in 2022 requiring asbestos abatement employers to be licensed and all workers to be certified. The BC Ministry of Labour’s working group made these recommendations in their 2018 report, Keeping Workers, The Public and The Environment Safe from... more

Submission to BC's government Clean Transportation Action Plan

April 6, 2023 | Climate Change
The BC Federation of Labour (BCFED) provided a submission on the BC government’s Clean Transportation Action Plan, a commitment under the Clean BC Roadmap to 2030. The BCFED is recognized by the government as a significant advocate for workers in BC, and we are committed to ensuring that workers'... more

Submission to the WCB Part 5: Consultation on proposed occupational exposure limits

A pdf of the complete submission can be found here.IntroductionThe Federation represents more than 500,000 members of our affiliated unions, from more than 1,100 locals working in every aspect of the BC economy.The Federation is recognized by the Workers’ Compensation Board (“WCB,” “Board”) and the... more

Submission to the WCB on proposed regulatory amendments to Part 6, Substance specific requirements, Hazardous drugs

A pdf of the complete submission can be found here.IntroductionThe BC Federation of Labour (“Federation,” “BCFED”) appreciates the opportunity to provide our recommendations with respect to the proposed amendments for Part 6 Hazardous Drugs.The Federation represents more than 500,000 members of our... more

BCFED Referral to Workers' Compensation Appeal Tribunal re Policy Item# P2-95-2 of the WCB Prevention Manual

November 14, 2022 | Health, Safety, and Compensation
A pdf of the complete referral can be found here.WCAT Appeal No A2200622, Section 304 Referral – High Risk Activities, Policy Item# P2-95-2 Prevention Manual

Precarious Work

September 14, 2022
MISCLASSIFICATION — when employers label their employees as “independent contractors” — is the single biggest reason precariouswork is precarious. That’s been a long‑standing issue, but is increasingly widespread with the rise of the so-called gig economy and the boom in app-based work. Learn more... more

Select Standing Committee on Health: Public Consultation - Overdose and drug toxicity crisis

The BCFED is recognized by the government as a significant advocate for the health and safety of workers in BC. As health and safety advocates, we are committed to addressing the urgent and ongoing illicit drug toxicity and overdose crisis. This commitment was renewed with the adoption of... more