• BCFED 2024 Convention

    See you at the BCFED Convention — November 25–29, 2024

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  • Our Collective Truths

    Read this first-of-its-kind report on how BC union members experience racism... and what we can do about it

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  • A new 10-year vision for BC public transit

    Creating thousands of jobs — and getting you where you need to go, no matter where you live in BC

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  • Precarious Work

    Learn more about worker rights in the gig economy in our latest report on precarious work.

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Latest News

Despite new provincial regulations introduced today, ride-hail and food delivery workers still won't receive the same workplace benefits and protections as other workers in BC, the BC Federation of Labour said today.
Today’s announcement from the BC Ministry of Labour extending presumption to more workers for psychological injury coverage is an important step forward, BCFED President Sussanne Skidmore said today. “It’s good to see these new occupations join those with fast-tracked claims and timely access to...
For the past several years, a concerted right-wing campaign has attacked 2SLGBTQIA+ people, and particularly our trans community members. But there’s growing hope that people from all backgrounds are pushing back against the fear and disinformation.

The BCFED and you

  • BCFED Health and Safety Centre

    The OH&S Centre can help meet your occupational health and safety training needs.

    Prevention Through Education
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  • April 28 National Day of Mourning

    Every worker should come home safe and healthy after each shift. Sadly, that is still not the case in BC.

    Mourn for the dead. Fight for the living.
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