Submission to the WCB on Part 5, Emergency planning; Part 20, Washroom facilities; and Part 14, Tower cranes and notice of project
January 16, 2024 | Health, Safety, and Compensation
The BC Federation of Labour (“Federation,” “BCFED”) appreciates the opportunity to provide a submission on the proposed amendments to Part 5, Emergency planning, Part 20, Washroom facilities; and Part 14, Tower cranes and notice of project.
This submission was prepared in consultation with our... more Submission to the WCB re Draft 2024-2026 Regulatory Workplan
December 8, 2023 | Health, Safety, and Compensation
A pdf of the complete submission can be found here. Submission to the WCB on Section 151, Time limits for filing a mental disorder claim
December 5, 2023 | Health, Safety, and Compensation
A pdf of the complete submission can be found here.The BC Federation of Labour (“BCFED,” “Federation”) is pleased to participate in the consultation on Section 151 -Time Limits for filing a mental disorder claim. Submission to the WCB regarding proposed amendments to Part 4, General conditions, Sections 4.24 to 4.31.2, Harassment and Violence
November 21, 2023 | Health, Safety, and Compensation
A pdf of the complete submission can be found here.AuthorityThe BC Federation of Labour (“Federation,” “BCFED”) appreciates the opportunity to provide a submission on the proposed amendments to Part 4, General conditions, Sections 4.24 to 4.31.2 Harassment and Violence.This submission was prepared... more Submission to the WCB with respect to proposed amendments to Chronic Pain Policies: #C-22.20 and #C6-39.10
October 26, 2023 | Health, Safety, and Compensation
A pdf of the complete submission can be found here. Submission to the WCB with respect to the Draft Policy Concerning Mental Disorder Claims
October 24, 2023 | Health, Safety, and Compensation
A pdf of the complete submission can be found here.AuthorityThank you for the opportunity to provide our submission with respect to the Workers’ Compensation Board’s (“WCB” “Board”) draft policy (the “Draft Policy”) concerning mental disorder claims. This a joint submission from the BC Federation... more Submission to the BC Ministry of Labour regarding Proposing Employment Standards and Other Protections for App-Based Ride-Hail and Food Delivery Workers in BC
September 29, 2023 | Health, Safety, and Compensation
The BC Federation of Labour (“Federation,” “BCFED”) and our affiliated unions are pleased to participate in the consultation on the BC Ministry of Labour’s Discussion Paper, “Proposing Employment Standards and Other Protections for App-Based Ride-Hail and Food-Delivery Workers in British Columbia... more Submission to the BC Government with respect to Psychological Injuries and Presumption
September 29, 2023 | Health, Safety, and Compensation
The BC Federation of Labour (“Federation,” “BCFED”) and our affiliated unions are pleased to participate in the consultation on the BC Ministry of Labour’s Discussion Paper “Potential Criteria for Extending the Mental Health Presumption of Other Eligible Occupations, July 23.” The BCFED represents... more Submission to the WCB on Bill 41, Return-to-Work Obligations: Duty to Cooperate and Duty to Maintain Employment
September 8, 2023 | Health, Safety, and Compensation
We appreciate the opportunity to provide submissions with respect to the draft policies implementing the duty to cooperate and the duty to maintain employment set-out in the Workers Compensation Amendment Act (No. 2), 2022 (Bill 41) (the “Draft Policy”). These are joint submissions from the BC... more Submission to the WCB on proposed regulatory amendments to OHSR Part 14, Tower Cranes
August 4, 2023 | Health, Safety, and Compensation
The BC Federation of Labour (“Federation” “BCFED”) appreciates the opportunity to provide a submission on the proposed amendments to Part 14, Tower Cranes, Sections 14.73.1- 14.75, Notice of Project (NOP).