
National Injured Workers’ Day statement

Vancouver - June 1 is National Injured Workers’ Day across Canada, a day to stand in solidarity with injured workers for the restoration of dignity, respect and justice. Workplace accidents have tragic consequences and a lasting impact on the workers who experience them. “Last year... more

BC Federation of Labour statement on the attacks in Sri Lanka

April 25, 2019
The BC Federation of Labour is profoundly troubled to learn of the attacks on churches and hotels on Easter Sunday in Sri Lanka that claimed the lives of hundreds in their places of worship. On behalf of the 500,000 union members represented by the Federation through its affiliates, we condemn... more

BCFED Statement on March 21: The International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination

March 21, 2019
The following is a statement from BC Federation of Labour leadership Laird Cronk and Sussanne Skidmore: Today marks 59 years since 69 people were killed by police in South Africa while attending a peaceful demonstration against Apartheid Pass Laws. Every year since March 21, 1960, the... more

Statement on mosque attacks in New Zealand

March 15, 2019
Vancouver – The following is a statement from Laird Cronk, president and Sussanne Skidmore, secretary-treasurer of the BC Federation of Labour: “Today our thoughts are with the people of New Zealand after yesterday’s devastating shooting in Christchurch. While information is still... more

Poverty is a Human Rights Issue, and the BCFED Says it’s Time to Take Action

December 10, 2018
The following is a statement from Laird Cronk and Sussanne Skidmore on December 10th International Human Rights Day International Human Rights Day was established on December 10, 1948, the day the Universal Human Rights Declaration was declared by the United Nations. Today on the 70th... more

December 3: Celebrating International Persons with Disabilities Day

December 3, 2018
The BC Federation of Labour is joining with members with disabilities in celebrating the United Nations’ International Day of Persons with Disabilities Day, and this year’s theme of empowering persons with disabilities and ensuring inclusiveness and equality.

Statement about Pride from BCFED president Irene Lanzinger

August 3, 2018
We are well in to the Pride Season in BC; and as we gear up for the Vancouver Pride Parade this Sunday, we turn our minds to the recent local and international events that have shaped the global discourse on LGBTQ issues. We continue to work as a labour movement to make our organizations,... more

Statement from BC Federation of Labour president Irene Lanzinger on National Indigenous Peoples Day

June 21, 2018
Vancouver - June 21st is National Indigenous Peoples Day. This is a day that is meant to acknowledge and celebrate the unique heritage, diverse cultures and contributions of First Nations, Inuit and Metis peoples.

Marking Family Day: One small way to better support working families

February 9, 2018
To celebrate Family Day 2018, the BC Federation of Labour is proposing a small but important step that would better support many working families in our province. “We think we should look at updating and changing our employment laws’” says BCFED President Irene Lanzinger, “to ensure that working... more

BCFED Statement on Black History Month

February 5, 2018
The following is a statement from Irene Lanzinger, president of the BC Federation of Labour. February marks Black History Month in BC. And as we celebrate, there is much to reflect upon in the journey toward equitable treatment of black people in our local, national and global communities.... more