News releases

Contract flipping protections among “measured” recommendations to change BC’s labour code

October 25, 2018
Working people employed in low-paid, precarious jobs will benefit from changes proposed by an independent panel of experts formed by Labour Minister Harry Bains to recommend improvements to BC’s labour code, says the BC Federation of Labour. Bains released the panel’s report and recommendations... more

New provincial legislation will help protect migrant workers from bad employers

October 23, 2018
Vancouver - Legislation proposed today by Labour Minister Harry Bains is a first step to end the exploitation of vulnerable temporary foreign workers (TFWs) by unscrupulous employers and labour recruiters, says the BC Federation of Labour. “We support the legislation because it includes a number of... more

BCFED President Irene Lanzinger won’t seek re-election as BC’s top labour leader

October 18, 2018
Vancouver—Irene Lanzinger, the labour leader who helped spearhead the fight for a $15 minimum wage in BC, says she will not seek re-election for another two-year term as President of the BC Federation of Labour at the Federation’s 58th Convention at the end of November. Lanzinger, 63, the first... more

LNG Canada go-ahead decision has practical workforce, apprenticeship and skills training benefits, says BCFED

October 2, 2018
Vancouver - The BC Federation of Labour is responding positively to today’s final investment decision to build LNG Canada’s Kitimat LNG facility. “While there are still climate change issues that the provincial government is working to address through its clean growth strategy,... more

Labour Cares about Fairness, and That’s Why I Support Pro Rep

September 25, 2018
I think we can all agree that government matters. And which political party controls the government affects the lives of working people dramatically. Just look back at the 16 years of the BC Liberal government – stripping of collective agreements, erosion of employment standards and labour code... more

BCFED outlines budget priorities for working people

September 21, 2018
Vancouver – President of the BC Federation of Labour, Irene Lanzinger, will present to the Select Standing Committee on Finance and Government Services this morning. “We are calling on the BC government to champion a budget that levels the playing field for working people,” said... more

Lanzinger to speak at Vancouver rally in support of 50 workers threatened with job loss in latest employer contract flip

September 17, 2018
BCFED President Irene Lanzinger will speak at a rally Monday afternoon in downtown Vancouver to support 50 Canada Line cleaners who are at risk of losing their jobs because of contract flipping around the provision of cleaning services at stations along the line. Lanzinger will urge the provincial... more

BCFED Labour Day Op-Ed by Irene Lanzinger

August 31, 2018
Working people and their families will be celebrating in communities across the province this Labour Day long weekend. It’s the end of summer, and the one day in the year where workers’ contributions to our economy, our social well-being and our communities are recognized. Thousands will be... more

Universal, single-payer pharmacare plan the best solution to ensure all Canadians can afford prescription drugs, BCFED tells Ottawa’s advisory council

Vancouver - With millions of Canadians unable to afford to pay for vital prescription drugs to keep them alive and healthy, the BC Federation of Labour says it’s time for concerted national action through the cooperation of all federal, provincial and territorial governments to... more

Statement about Pride from BCFED president Irene Lanzinger

August 3, 2018
We are well in to the Pride Season in BC; and as we gear up for the Vancouver Pride Parade this Sunday, we turn our minds to the recent local and international events that have shaped the global discourse on LGBTQ issues. We continue to work as a labour movement to make our organizations,... more