News releases

BC Federation of Labour Statement on National Day of Mourning

April 28, 2015
VANCOUVER – The following is a statement from Irene Lanzinger, President of the BC Federation of Labour, marking the National Day of Mourning: The National Day of Mourning, marked every year on April 28, is a very important day for workers. It is a day to remember all those who... more

Fight for $15 Campaign takes “I’m Not Loving It” message to McDonald’s restaurants

April 14, 2015
Vancouver – On April, 15, the Fight for $15 Campaign is calling on large fast-food corporations, like McDonald’s, to pay workers a fair wage. “Tomorrow we will be standing with fast-food workers across North America who are fighting for decent pay,” said Irene Lanzinger, President... more

Annual ‘sit-in’ to bring back Grant’s Law and protect vulnerable workers

April 10, 2015
Vancouver - The Employee Action and Rights Network (EARN) and the BC Federation of Labour’s Young Workers’ Committee are holding an overnight ‘sit-in’ to mark the day the BC Liberal government put vulnerable workers at risk by weakening Grant’s Law.

Two-thirds of British Columbians support a $15 an hour minimum wage

April 1, 2015 | Minimum Wage
VANCOUVER - A recent poll shows the public is unsatisfied with the BC Liberal government’s meager lift to the minimum wage, and continue to support the call for $15 an hour. “This poll is evidence that Premier Clark and Minister Bond got it wrong when they increased the minimum... more

BC Federation of Labour renews call for independent public inquiry into the Lakeland and Babine sawmill explosions

March 26, 2015
VANCOUVER – In light of evidence that has been revealed during the course of the Coroner’s Inquest, the BC Federation of Labour is renewing its call for a full independent public inquiry into the Lakeland and Babine sawmill explosions. Below is a statement from Irene Lanzinger,... more

Government announcement abandons working people, guarantees workers will remain in poverty

March 12, 2015 | Minimum Wage
VANCOUVER – The BC Federation of Labour is extremely disappointed with the BC Liberal government’s announcement on minimum wage, saying it will do nothing to lift minimum wage workers out of poverty. “Today’s announcement guarantees that hundreds of thousands of British Columbians... more

Statement on International Women’s Day

March 6, 2015
The following is a statement from Irene Lanzinger, President of the BC Federation of Labour. March 8th is International Women’s Day. For more than 100 years we have marked this important day, taking the opportunity to reflect on the progress made and achievements won for women across the... more

BC Federation of Labour brings good jobs message to Victoria

March 3, 2015
VICTORIA – Representatives with the BC Federation of Labour are in Victoria today making the case that good jobs are the backbone of a strong economy. Increasing BC’s minimum wage, improving access to apprenticeships, and addressing weak successorship laws and contract flipping are the issues being... more

BC Budget misses the mark. Gives a break to the highest earners, and leaves the rest of us behind.

February 17, 2015
VICTORIA – The BC Budget has missed the mark when it comes to creating opportunity and supporting working families in British Columbia, says the BC Federation of Labour. “It is extremely disappointing that the government is giving a tax break to the highest earners in our province... more

Needed reforms to hold negligent employers accountable finally introduced

February 11, 2015 | Health, Safety, and Compensation
Vancouver – After years of pushing the BC government to act, BC Federation of Labour is pleased that the Minister of Labour has finally taken action on needed reforms to increase workplace safety and hold negligent employers accountable.