Briefs and Submissions

Improving the income support system in BC

April 1, 2019
Poverty has many faces in our community including children, injured workers, persons with disabilities, low-wage and precarious workers, undocumented persons, and members of equity-seeking groups. Poverty is a problem that impacts all of us and we must work together to eliminate it from our... more

Modernizing the Employment Standards Act

The current Employment Standards Act (“ESA” “Act”) fails to provide the growing body of vulnerable and precariously-employed workers with necessary rights and protections and contributes to the growth of precarious employment conditions. Improvements are long-overdue, and the government... more

BCFED Submission on Recommendations from the Report: "Keeping workers, the public and the environment free from asbestos"

The BCFED appreciates the opportunity to provide our submission with respect to the draft final report Keeping Workers, The Public and the Environment Safe from Asbestos. We strongly urge the MOL to immediately proceed with implementing our recommendations. To read the full submission, ... more

Petrie Report Recommendation on Merits and Justice in Decision Making

The Policy, Regulation and Research Division (“Division”) has requested submissions regarding policies of the Board relating to section 99(2) of the Workers Compensation Act (“Act”). This is the submission of the BC Federation of Labour (“BCFED”), addressing policy #2. 20 of the... more

Proposed WCB 2019-2022 Regulatory Amendments Workplan

The intent of this amendment is to amend Sections 5.27 and 5.28 of the OHSR which currently requires the elimination or control of possible ignition sources when transferring or handling flammable liquids and excludes combustible liquids such as diesel fuel and propane despite these substances... more

Proposed WCB 2019-2021 Policy Workplan

The BCFED considers a review of the chronic pain policy as a high priority due to the number of workers who are being inadequately compensated by the current policy. The Petrie recommendation #28 to have policy #39.02 amended to direct that a worker suffering with chronic pain be addressed under 23... more

BCFED Response to BCLI Consultation Paper on the Employment Standards Act

March 1, 2019 | Employment Standards
Submitted August 31, 2018 Please see the PDF link below for the full submission.

Proposed Amendments to the BC Labour Relations Code

December 4, 2018 | Employment Standards
Concrete recommendations to improve the operation of the BC Labour Relations Code are long overdue. In the fifteen years since the Code was last reviewed a lot has changed. The imbalance of the current Code, its application, and lack of coverage of certain sectors result in it being... more

Level the Playing Field: Investing in Workers to Build a Strong Economy

September 21, 2018 | Fair Taxes
OVERVIEW The legacy of the former BC Liberal government is one of inequality, poverty and insecurity. We know that the affordability crisis, the rise of precarious work, and deep cuts to the services and programs people rely on have taken a toll on families and communities. The social and economic... more

It’s time for a Poverty Free BC: The critical elements of a comprehensive poverty reduction strategy for BC

September 21, 2018
The BC Federation of Labour congratulates the BC government for its commitment to developing a comprehensive poverty reduction strategy for the province of British Columbia. BC has lagged behind other Canadian provinces in tackling this issue. The evidence is clear: our failure to act has had a... more