Briefs and Submissions

BCFED Paid Sick Leave Proposal

While the BCFED asserts that ultimately paid sick leave must be employer funded, we acknowledge that the COVID-19 pandemic has had an unprecedented impact on many businesses. We’ve therefore, developed a proposal that takes the needs of both workers and our communities into account while providing... more

Bill 23 Consultation on Retirement Age Determination Policies

This is our submission to the WCB on the proposed changes to Bill 23, Consultation on Retirement Age Determination Policies.

Bill 23 Consultation on Permanent Partial Disability Benefits

This is our submission to the WCB on the proposed changes to Bill 23, Permanent Partial Disability Benefits.

Submission to WCB Public Hearings on proposed amendments to the OHSR, Parts 1, 5, 6, 7, 20, 22, 23 and 26

This is our submission to the Workers' Compensation Board Public Hearings on proposed amendments to the Occupational Health and Safety Regulation, Parts 1, 5, 22 and 23: Flammable and combustible liquids; Part 6: Hazardous drugs; Part 7: Ionizing radiation - Dose limits for lens of the eyes; Part... more

Proposed amendments to Occupational Health & Safety Regulations Parts 6, 8, 16, 18, and 21

January 7, 2021
This is our submission to the WCB regarding the proposed amendments for the following regulations: Part 6: Substance Specific Requirements: Pesticides, Sections 6.89-6.90: Restricted entry intervals; consequential amendments to other sections within the same part; Part 8: Personal Protective... more

Proposed Compensation Policies for Section 123(3) of the Workers Compensation Act

September 21, 2020 | Health, Safety, and Compensation
The BC Federation of Labour (“BCFED”) is pleased to provide this submission addressing the proposed compensation policies relating to Section 123(3) of the Workers Compensation Act, [Reconsideration of Board decisions after 75 days], and set out on pages 142-146 of the proposed policy... more

Automation and Labour in British Columbia

September 3, 2020
September 2020 Read the full report here.

Proposed amendments to Occupational Health & Safety Regulation Part 5, Chemical and biological agents: ACGIH TLVs proposed for adoption as new, revised or retained BC exposure limits; and Part 20, Construction, excavation and demolition: concrete pumping

This is our submission to the WCB's consultation on proposed regulatory amendments to the Occupational Health and Safety Regulation: Part 5: Chemical and biological agents: ACGIH TLVs proposed for adoption as new, revised or retained BC exposure limits; and Part 20, Construction,... more

Proposed amendment to Occupational Health & Safety Regulation Part 8: Personal protective clothing and equipment, Section 8.11 Safety headgear

This is our submission to the WCB's consultation on proposed regulatory amendments to the Occupational Health and Safety Regulation: Part 8: Personal Protective Clothing and Equipment, Safety Headgear, Section 8.11 General Requirement.

Proposed amendments to Occupational Health & Safety Regulation Part 7, Radiation Exposure, Parts 1, 5, 22 and 23, Combustible and flammable liquids

This is our submission to the WCB's consultation on proposed regulatory amendments to the Occupational Health and Safety Regulation: Part 7, Division 3: Radiation Exposure,and Parts 1, 5, 22 and 23 — multiple sections — combustible and flammable liquids.