Rental relief needed, renters require continued support through the COVID-19 pandemic
The COVID-19 pandemic has passed its one-year anniversary, and its devastating economic impact is still far from over. Working people continue to shoulder an enormous burden, with job loss and uncertainty disproportionately affecting women, IBPOC people and those holding low-paying and precarious jobs.
Renters are especially vulnerable. Thousands of British Columbians have missed some or all of their rental payments — and with no immediate prospect for continued income, their housing is on the line.
Further to a recently-passed convention resolution, the BC Federation of Labour endorses the Vancouver Tenants Union’s No Rent Debt petition which asks for ongoing supports for renters during this crucial time. No Rent Debt asks for reinstatement of the eviction ban, cancellation of existing eviction notices and forgiveness of accrued rent-debt.
Last year, the provincial government responded to the crisis through a ban on evictions which has now ended, and they extended the rental increase freeze until July 2021 as a measure to support renters through COVID-19. With so many renters still facing economic uncertainty, continued support is essential and we encourage the government to address these issues. Additionally, if you are looking for support, we encourage you to add your voice to the petition here.