News releases

December 3: Celebrating International Persons with Disabilities Day

December 3, 2018
The BC Federation of Labour is joining with members with disabilities in celebrating the United Nations’ International Day of Persons with Disabilities Day, and this year’s theme of empowering persons with disabilities and ensuring inclusiveness and equality.

It’s unanimous: Labour movement unites behind Laird Cronk and Sussanne Skidmore as new leaders

November 29, 2018
Vancouver-The BC Federation of Labour has chosen new leaders to guide the province’s largest labour body for the next two years. Red Seal Electrician Laird Cronk was acclaimed this morning by delegates attending the Federation’s 58th convention as the new president of the 500,000-... more

Labour to rally in support of postal workers Thursday at noon in Vancouver

November 28, 2018
The BC Federation of Labour is organizing a rally Thursday at noon in downtown Vancouver in support of Canada Post workers whose collective bargaining rights are under attack by the Trudeau Liberal government. Outgoing BCFED President Irene Lanzinger will be among the speakers. What: Rally... more

BCFED convention to promote levelling the playing field to make gains for working people

November 25, 2018
VANCOUVER - The focus will be on levelling the playing field for working people as the BC Federation of Labour’s 58th convention opens this morning at 11 am, with more than 1,300 labour activists on hand at the Vancouver Convention Centre East.

BC Federation of Labour convention begins Monday in Vancouver

November 23, 2018
More than 1,300 labour activists will gather in Vancouver for the BC Federation of Labour’s 58th convention starting Monday at 11:00 am at the Vancouver Convention Centre East. They will focus their energies on ways to level the playing field for working people in BC; and how to work with the NDP... more

Ride-hailing legislation ignores the needs of transportation workers, says BCFED

November 19, 2018
Ride-hailing legislation ignores the needs of transportation workers, says BCFED The BC Federation of Labour says it is disappointed that ride-hailing legislation introduced today in Victoria offers little to promote good-paying, stable jobs and fails to establish protections for workers from large... more

Repealing BC Liberal’s Bill 29 a positive step, says BCFED

November 8, 2018
The BC labour movement is praising the move by the Horgan government to repeal Bill 29—the controversial legislation brought in by the BC Liberals that was used to fire 10,000 health care workers more than a decade ago. “Bill 29 was an abuse of power by the BC Liberals that was a targeted attack on... more

Contract flipping protections among “measured” recommendations to change BC’s labour code

October 25, 2018
Working people employed in low-paid, precarious jobs will benefit from changes proposed by an independent panel of experts formed by Labour Minister Harry Bains to recommend improvements to BC’s labour code, says the BC Federation of Labour. Bains released the panel’s report and recommendations... more

New provincial legislation will help protect migrant workers from bad employers

October 23, 2018
Vancouver - Legislation proposed today by Labour Minister Harry Bains is a first step to end the exploitation of vulnerable temporary foreign workers (TFWs) by unscrupulous employers and labour recruiters, says the BC Federation of Labour. “We support the legislation because it includes a number of... more

BCFED President Irene Lanzinger won’t seek re-election as BC’s top labour leader

October 18, 2018
Vancouver—Irene Lanzinger, the labour leader who helped spearhead the fight for a $15 minimum wage in BC, says she will not seek re-election for another two-year term as President of the BC Federation of Labour at the Federation’s 58th Convention at the end of November. Lanzinger, 63, the first... more