Horgan pledge for tougher safety protections for asbestos removal workers will bring much needed change says BCFED

November 29, 2016 | News Release

VANCOUVER-A commitment today by BC NDP leader John Horgan to get tough with asbestos removal contractors will go a long way to end the inaction by Victoria that has put workers’ health and safety at risk, says BC Federation of Labour President Irene Lanzinger

“Mandatory licensing and certification of asbestos removal contractors is a measure that we’ve been pushing the Clark government to enact. So we’re pleased that the BC NDP is prepared to take action,” says Lanzinger.

“It’s the kind of change that we need from a new government—one that’s on our side, and one that cares about working people.”

“We’ve been lobbying the BC Liberals to enact these measures for almost a year. But their failure to act swiftly is symbolic of how the Clark government is failing workers, failing communities and failing the environment.

“At a time where employers, under the Clark Liberals, kill and injure workers with impunity, Horgan’s promise that employers who don’t comply with asbestos regulations will be vigorously prosecuted will resonate deeply with working people,” says Lanzinger,

It is estimated that every year more than 145,000 Canadian workers are exposed to asbestos at their workplaces, and over 2,000 are diagnosed with fatal asbestos cancers and other diseases. In BC, asbestos remains the single largest cause of workplace deaths.

Horgan made his commitment to protect workers and make workplaces safer during a speech this afternoon at the Federation’s convention in Vancouver. The convention runs through Friday noon.
