HD Mining Court Ruling Puts Temporary Foreign Issue Squarely Back in Government Hands

May 21, 2013 | News Release

The B.C. Federation of Labour is calling on the federal and provincial governments for a complete overhaul of the Temporary Foreign Worker program following today’s dismissal of a judicial review challenge of Temporary Foreign Worker permits issued to HD Mining.

“When the court determines, that despite the lack of full disclosure of documentation by the federal government, that the company followed the rules, the only conclusion fair-minded Canadians can make is that the deck has been stacked against Canadian workers by the very governments purporting to represent them,” said Jim Sinclair, President of the B.C. Federation of Labour.

“If the company followed the rules, despite piles of evidence showing not only willing Canadians ready to take these jobs, and evidence the company and the government had no intention of training Canadians for years to come, then clearly the rules do not exist in the interest of Canadian workers,” Sinclair added.

Sinclair noted that unlike other provinces where the provincial government has been a tempering force on the federal government, here in BC, the provincial government was pressing the federal government to expedite the work permits.

Sinclair also noted that recent changes announced by the federal government would have done little to prevent the company’s application to import temporary foreign workers. “While the clarification around language issues may have encouraged more Canadians to apply, the recent changes announced by the Harper government only restore the same conditions under which these mining companies applied for permits in the first place.”

“Whether it’s the Royal Bank, HD Mining, or Tim Horton’s, Canadians want to know that they will have access to these jobs. Canadian also support continued immigration to Canada, not the recipe for exploitation that the Temporary Foreign Worker program has become,” concluded Sinclair.

Sinclair also thanked the Operating Engineers Local 115 and the Construction & Specialized Workers Union (CSWU) Local 1511 for their efforts to bring this case forward and their ongoing work to draw attention to the TFW Program.

For more information contact: Michael Gardiner 604-436-7030.