Clark Okays $1.75 Billion Dollar Contract with No Guarantee of BC Jobs

December 22, 2015 | News Release

VANCOUVER – The BC Federation of Labour offers that once again Premier Christy Clark has abandoned a “BC First” policy on jobs in awarding a $1.75 billion dollar project. The project, the single largest construction project in BC history, has been touted to create as many as 1,500 jobs at peak construction, with no guarantee that the jobs created will go to British Columbians.

“Christy Clark has chosen an ironic moment, just before the holidays, to let BC workers know they won’t be in line for jobs in this huge project,” BC Federation of Labour President Irene Lanzinger stated. “Her holiday message is corporations come before the needs of workers.”

In announcing the contract yesterday, BC Hydro spokesperson David Conway spoke to CKNW where he explained there is no guarantee that these jobs will go to BC workers due to existing commitments with Alberta and Saskatchewan. This despite comments made by Conway in September that “we are taking steps to ensure British Columbians are first in line to work on Site C.”

“This government doesn’t understand that when BC citizens are paying for a project we expect to maximize the return to the community. That means ensuring any jobs created go first to BC workers,” Lanzinger explained.

“The Premier needs to step in immediately and ensure that BC Hydro and its contractors put British Columbians to work first and provide important apprenticeship opportunities.”