BCFed's Sinclair calls Harper government changes to Temporary Foreign Worker Program "public window dressing”

April 30, 2013 | News Release

B.C. Federation of Labour President Jim Sinclair called Stephen Harpers’ announced changes to the Temporary Foreign Worker Program a clear case of "public window dressing" which will do nothing to protect the jobs of Canadians.

"This Program is fundamentally flawed because it allows employers to undercut the wages and working conditions of Canadians, while at the same time, exploit TFW's who have no real rights on the job, including the basic right to quit," he said. "With more than 1.4 million Canadians unemployed, there is no justification to be bringing in low-skilled workers for entry- level jobs."

The Program which has grown dramatically - close to half a million TFW’s - in the past six years, has become the first choice for employers who are seeking a vulnerable and cheap workforce.

The Program is out of control. The solution is to return it to its original form, a Program limited to short-term, temporary, skilled worker shortages where an employer can demonstrate real need.

"This announcement is about damage control, not about fixing the Program," he charged, "This government gave groups in British Columbia five minutes each on the phone and called that a review."

If the need for workers is not short-term, then the proper path to Canada is through immigration where workers can bring their families, spend their money in Canada and have the same rights as other Canadian workers.


For more information, contact Jane Armstrong at 604-430-1421.