Vancouver - The BC Federation of Labour released this morning the latest in a series of 30-second Game Over Christy advertisements ( on social media. It again casts Premier Clark as a video game character who racks up bonus points for photo ops, but this time features her overseeing the loss of resource sector jobs and rejecting calls for a $15 minimum wage, while accepting massive corporate donations.
The ad ends with a call to action for the upcoming provincial election: “Christy Clark has been playing us long enough. On May 9, tell her it’s game over.”
BCFED President Irene Lanzinger says the jobs crisis and mill closures in interior resource communities are putting the squeeze on thousands of working families in B.C., and Clarks’ refusal to hike the minimum wage to $15 per hour is keeping 500,000 hard working British Columbians earning poverty wages.
“The Premier spends more time looking for photo ops and catering to corporate donors than she does caring about the needs of B.C. workers,” said Lanzinger. “She works for the rich and powerful. On May 9, we have the opportunity to elect a government that works for the rest of us.”
Lanzinger says Clark’s rejection of a $15 minimum wage is keeping workers across the province trapped below the poverty line. It’s a crisis Clark seems unwilling to solve.
“We need a government that’s on the side of working people, and that understands their needs and the needs of British Columbia,” she adds. “We can no longer tolerate a situation in which the Premier’s wealthy friends get wealthier while the rest of us slip further behind.”
To view the new video, follow this link:
The very popular Game Over Christy ad series launched on March 3rd with a short 30-second advertisement ( highlighting school closures and senior care home cuts, and was viewed nearly 500,000 times and shared by over 6,000 supporters.