Vancouver - The BC government’s appointment today of Jacquie de Aguayo as chair of the BC Labour Relations Board is a positive step that will help improve the tribunal’s credibility and foster better labour relations, says the BC Federation of Labour.
“We’re pleased with the appointment,” says BCFED President Irene Lanzinger. “After 16 years of the BC Liberal Party’s anti-worker worker agenda at the LRB, change has been desperately needed for some time.
“The appointment of de Aguayo will help restore fairness at the LRB and balance in workplaces which will benefit union members and employers alike,” says Lanzinger
A senior official at the LRB since 2014 and acting chair since August, de Aguayo has built respect in both labour and employer communities for her inclusive leadership abilities and her knowledge of the law.
The LRB is an independent tribunal that oversees labour relations in unionized workplaces across the province. Its roles include resolving disputes between employers and unions through mediation and arbitration, assistance with contract bargaining, and overseeing the process for workers to join unions.