News releases

Premier Clark’s firing of VSB criticized by BCFED

October 17, 2016
BC Federation of Labour President Irene Lanzinger made this comment today on the firing of the Vancouver School Board by the Christy Clark government. “This is a classic diversion by the Liberal government,” says BC Federation of Labour President Irene Lanzinger. “Chronically underfund schools for... more

Fight for $15 Minimum Wage Campaign Launches New BC Election Video

October 14, 2016 | Minimum Wage
Vancouver – With the provincial election just seven months away, the BC Federation of Labour is releasing a new 30-second video today urging voters to elect a government that will implement a $15 per hour minimum wage for all workers. The video highlights the financial challenges... more

BCFED’s Lanzinger to take Welfare Food Challenge starting Sunday

October 13, 2016
Vancouver - BC Federation of Labour President Irene Lanzinger will join dozens of British Columbians from all walks of life to participate in the Welfare Food Challenge and eat for an entire week with a budget of only $18, all that Premier Christy Clark and her government give to... more

Loss of 20,000 full-time jobs in BC highlights need for good jobs, good wages strategy

October 7, 2016
Vancouver -September employment numbers released today by Statistics Canada show BC has the worst record of any province on full-time employment, after the province shed 20,000 full-time jobs in September, says the BC Federation of Labour. “Numbers bounce around month to month, but... more

BCFED calls for good jobs, good wages action plan

October 6, 2016
Vancouver- The BC Federation Labour criticized the Clark government for poor economic management, declining wages, and the loss of good-paying, full-time jobs that support families and communities, in a presentation to Liberal and NDP politicians on the finance committee of the... more

BC ends holdout status, CPP expansion one step closer

October 5, 2016
Vancouver - A significant expansion in Canada Pension Plan benefits is now one step closer to becoming a reality after BC ended its holdout status and formally signed on to the agreement reached at a First Ministers’ meeting in July. “Improving CPP benefits and retirement security... more

BC NDP commits to Aboriginal peoples’ rights and reconciliation

September 22, 2016
The BC Federation of Labour says that commitments made today by the BC NDP to First Nations leaders will address historic wrongs, come to grips with contemporary injustice and chart a path for reconciliation. Speaking at the Union of BC Indian Chiefs annual meeting in Vancouver, party leader John... more

Trudeau Liberals’ temporary foreign worker changes favour employers

September 20, 2016 | Temporary Foreign Workers
Vancouver - Proposals from a parliamentary committee dominated by the federal Liberal government could—if enacted—make it easier for employers to use temporary foreign workers instead of recruiting Canadian workers by paying decent wages and implementing much needed skills training programs. “There... more

Horgan plan will break transportation gridlock in Lower Mainland

September 16, 2016
Vancouver - The BC Federation of Labour has given the thumbs up to NDP Leader John Horgan’s pledge to build public transit in the Lower Mainland. “We’ve endured transportation grid lock in the region for far too long because of Premier Clark and the choices she’s made and the... more

Small increase in minimum wage will leave 500,000 BC workers earning poverty wages

September 15, 2016
Vancouver - The $0.40 per hour increase in BC’s minimum wage that takes effect today will do little to address BC’s problem of poverty and inequality, says the BC Federation of Labour. “The small raise still means that 500,000 BC workers earn poverty wages—under $15 per hour. That’... more