Statement on National Aboriginal Day, June 21

June 19, 2015 | Statement

VANCOUVER - The following is a statement from Irene Lanzinger, President of the BC Federation of Labour to mark June 21, National Aboriginal Day.

“June 21 is Canada’s National Aboriginal Day - a day to celebrate the beautiful, diverse and rich history and culture of Canada’s First Nations, Inuit and Métis. It is also an opportunity to promote awareness and education so we never forget Canada’s past and we move forward together on a new path of reconciliation.

With the release of Chief Justice Murray Sinclair’s report from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission on Indian Residential Schools, Canadians now have more insight than ever into the atrocities more than 150,000 First Nations, Métis and Inuit children were forced to endure. This report is a call to action – it challenges us to fully understand the past and make change for the future.

Reconciliation affects all of us. And we all need to be part of this journey. One way to show your commitment is to take part in the inspiring Personal Ribbon Campaign, and make a ribbon of reconciliation to share with people in your community. Find out more about this unique Campaign at

On this National Aboriginal Day we must reaffirm our commitment to this important work and to each other.

Further, the BC Federation of Labour continues to advocate that Aboriginal Day be a national holiday, so that across the country people can come together to understand our history and celebrate our future.

On June 21, I encourage you to join the Reconciliation Movement and take part in National Aboriginal Day events in your community.”


A full listing of events can be found at the Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada’s website:

Media contact: Jaime Matten 604-561-2663