BCFED and BCTF Solidarity Statement

September 1, 2014 | Statement

Statement of Solidarity with BC’s Teachers

On this Labour Day, BC’s Labour Movement stands in solidarity with the more than 40,000 teachers in the province who are fighting for the rights of children to a quality public education and the rights of teachers to a fair collective agreement.

It has become clear that the government, under the leadership of Premier Christy Clark and Education Minister Peter Fassbender, is not interested in finding a path forward to end this dispute. They are not acting in the best interest of our children, and have shown no respect for those who have dedicated their careers to making our public education system world-class.

The B.C. Teachers’ Federation has, time and again, made significant offers to end this dispute. But the government has not moved an inch – even in those areas like class size and composition where the BC Supreme Court has directed them to restore teachers’ rights and critical funding.

Teachers want to get back to the classroom, but they know how important it is to hold strong against the government’s assault on our public education system. Their fight is bigger than one union – they are fighting for the rights of all workers to be treated with dignity and for all children to have a solid start in life.

Public education has never been more important for our young people. Their success in finding meaningful work and being active members of their communities is tied directly to a fully-funded public education system where all educational staff are respected.

Demonstrations of solidarity with teachers are more important than ever. Join the picket lines in your community starting tomorrow, write your MLA and school trustees – let teachers know they are not alone, and let the government know it is time to offer teachers a fair deal that supports kids.

We encourage you to get out and support the local actions taking place in your community. Rallies are planned for around the province this week, culminating in a major rally in Vancouver on Friday, September 5.

As a labour movement We Are One and now is the time to demonstrate our strength.

In solidarity,

JIM SINCLAIR - President & IRENE LANZINGER - Secretary-Treasurer