B.C. Federation of Labour Statement on Aboriginal Day

June 21, 2014 | Statement

The B.C. Federation of Labour proudly celebrates National Aboriginal Day on June 21, 2014 and acknowledges the tremendous contributions Aboriginal peoples of Canada make every day to advance a place of reconciliation within our unions, our workplaces, our communities and our country.

Aboriginal Day is a day to celebrate the beautiful, diverse and rich history and culture of Canada’s First Nations, Inuit and Metis. It is an opportunity to promote awareness, education, and relationship building so we never forget Canada’s past, and we move forward together on a new path of reconciliation.

The B.C. Federation of Labour continues to advocate that Aboriginal Day be a national holiday, so that across the country people can come together to understand our history and celebrate our future.

There are many pressing issues affecting First Nations peoples and communities; clean drinking water, unemployment rates for Aboriginal youth, the failed Enquiry into the Murdered & Missing Women of Canada, and the Truth & Reconciliation Commission. The labour movement is committed to being an active partner with First Nations communities to improve lives and address past wrongs.

For information on Aboriginal Day Celebrations in your community, contact your union or go to Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada National Aboriginal Day.

In solidarity,

Jim Sinclair
B.C. Federation of Labour