BC Federation of Labour disappointed Mullin reappointed Chair of Labour Relations Board

January 29, 2015 | News Release

VANCOUVER – The BC Federation of Labour has expressed disappointment and frustration that the BC Liberal government has reappointed Brent Mullin to another term as Chair of the Labour Relations Board (LRB).

“It is time for new leadership at the LRB,” said Irene Lanzinger, President of the BCFED. “With Mr. Mullin’s term coming to an end there was an opportunity to name a new Chair who could bring balance and credibility back to the Board.”

“For the LRB to function properly, it must be a venue that both labour and the employer trust and respect. From the perspective of the labour movement, under Mr. Mullin’s tenure, that relationship has been undermined.”

Mr. Mullin was first appointed Chair of the LRB in 2002, and has just been reappointed for another four-year term. He has been the longest serving Chair of the LRB.

“We encouraged Minister Bond to establish a clear process to appoint a new Chair who had the confidence of both labour and employers. We are extremely disappointed that she did not listen,” said Lanzinger. “We need to see significant changes in labour relations in BC, and appointing a new Chair to the LRB would have been a positive step in that direction.”


Media contact: Jaime Matten 604.561.2663